What to Say
Know what to say and when to say it. You will be able to communicate with your students concerning issues that concern them.
More Hope...
Less Distraction
The Problem:
- Every student’s world has been turned upside down since March 2020.
- Global Pandemic and political climate have created significant issues with education.
- Students have become uneasy about engaging in learning like before upon return to the classroom.
- Students are becoming increasingly overwhelmed and hopeless. They feel lost and left behind.

The solution:
- A biblical approach to hope and helping your students develop a future vision.
- Enumerate root causes of hopelessness and discouragement!
- Call out blocks to our present learning environment!
- Rekindle hope in ourselves (Hope is contagious and will spread to our students)
- Better communication with our students concerning current issues.
- Use simple encouragement techniques with our students.
- Get our students to dream again!
Join this 90-minute workshop and discussion about Hope in the Classroom:
This workshop offers timely advice and deep discussion about the number one issue facing teachers today. Students who lack motivation and who have fallen behind due to the recent pandemic, lockdowns, and social changes.
See the light in your students' eyes as you rekindle their desire to learn.
Are you in?
Hope in the Classroom Workshop
90 Minutes of interaction with other teachers to discuss how to bring your students back to life from lockdowns, pandemics, and the social pressures they face daily.
Cost is $37 USD for teachers only!
Yes! Save My Seat!Meet Your Facilitator
Rebecca Beeson is a career educator and trainer. She holds two bachelor's degrees and a master's degree in education from the University of New Mexico. She was inducted to the Phi Kappa Phi honor society. Rebecca currently teaches computer science and media literacy at Alxander Hamilton High School in Milwaukee, WI. She has taught numerous workshops in education, corporate industry, and healthcare. She is an educational designer and also teaches students in remote areas via distance learning.
More Hope...
More Future Vision with Renewed Dreams
Sign up for this workshop for timely advice and deep discussion about your student's future. And then see the light in your students' eyes as you rekindle their desire to learn.
Three date/time options.
Thursday, February 23rd starting @ 6:00 PM US Central
or Saturday, February 25th @ 12:00 Noon US Central
or Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM US Central
This 90-minute workshop is delivered via Zoom with open discussion and sharing of ideas. Please plan to join us for the entire 90 minutes. The workshop will be recorded, and the recording made available to all attendees.
Select the workshop session date/time on the checkout page.
The Special price for this workshop is $37 USD for classroom teachers only. (Regular price is $197 for non-teachers)
Reserve you seat today! Seating is limited so don't wait!
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I want to Attend!
Select the date/time for the workshop session you want to attend on the checkout page.
The Teachers only price is $37 USD and payment is due on registration.
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